Robert Lipman Animal Shelter Rescue Update:
Robert Lipman is past his disappointment of being unable to build a new animal rescue shelter on his property because the experts have indicated that it is too remote to bring in needed volunteers to help run it. However, he is very pleased with the planned alternative of expanding the existing Gilmer County Shelter with the cooperation and assistance of the following people who equally share his love of animals.
In late December 2020, a meeting was scheduled and attended by the Chairman of the Gilmer County Board of Commissioners, the County Shelter Director, another private donor residing in Houston, Texas, and Robert Lipman. The goal of the meeting was to set in motion the hiring of an architect to double the size of the existing County Shelter and formulate a timeline for the expansion. Additionally, the other donor and Robert wanted to confer with the chairman to have them authorize a matching donation to what Robert Lipman and the other donor are giving. The Chairman is wonderful – the challenge is getting the other two part-time Commissioners to share their enthusiasm. As a side-light in meeting the other donor, and getting to know the Chairman, it was refreshing to see people as equally enthusiastic to save animals.
A major concern for all the donors is how to mobilize various fundraising activities which will certainly be needed to finalize this project. Neither Robert Lipman nor any of the other donors have any real expertise or experience in this area of “holding out the tin can” for this worthy cause. Any suggestions will be welcome by anyone reading this. To get this completed will be an enormous challenge but everyone is determined to see it through.